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Movilitas SAPPHIRE App 1.0
Movilizer GmbH
Movilitas SAPPHIRE App is a mobile applicationdesigned for the biggest SAP trade fair taking place November 2011in Madrid, Spain.During 3 days companies running SAP, SAP experts and SAP partnerswill be sitting together in Madrid, sharing experiences andnews.During that time assistants will enjoy a complete events agenda,will generate new contacts and leads, will discover new businessopportunities and will even share free time; and is to provideattendees with all needed information for those occasions Movilitasdesigned this app. We hope you will enjoy it.
Movilizer Pro 2.0
Movilizer GmbH
What is the Movilizer?The Movilizer is a cloud service created to enable enterprisemobility. It is independent of the backend system in use andenables you to use free existing mobile scenarios; to create mobilescenarios of your own or to use our already available industrysolutions for SAP, or MS Excel.What can I do with the Movilizer?You can use any of our free scenarios to capture a myriad of dataincluding travel expenses, time records, create a dynamic survey…But you can also use it to run a mobile maintenance process basedon SAP or even to implement the process of vending machinereplenishment within the consumer goods industry. Nearly all mobilebusiness processes within your company can be supported.In which business can I use the Movilizer?You can use it in nearly all business areas and for most of thebusiness processes. It is the ideal solution for both large andsmall size enterprises. The Movilizer can be connected easily todifferent backend systems.How can I use the free Movilizer scenarios?1. Download the Movilizer App. from the Android Market.2. Visit and select thescenario you wish to use.3. Enter your registration data in the form.4. Introduce the activation code you will receive by SMS in yourMovilizer Android application.5. Now you can use the mobile solution and analyze the results inthe Movilizer Portal with the login provided by email.This version runs on Android OS 2.1 or higher
CAV Móvil - San Martín
Movilizer GmbH
CAV Móvil es la aplicación del Municipio de San Martínque te permite realizar reclamos, subir imágenes y dejarcomentariosdesdetu teléfono móvil. Así, el municipio puede dar una respuestamásrápida yefectiva a las necesidades de los vecinosCAVMobileis the application of the Municipality of San Martínthat allows you to make claims, upload images and commentfromyour mobile phone. Thus, the municipality can give a fasterresponseandto the needs of effective neighboring
John Deere Salesman
Movilizer GmbH
The John Deere Salesman App offers authorizedusers sales support information. After initial registration, theapplication offers access to the latest John Deere sales literatureand product and service videos. The John Deere Salesman Appbundles all information in one place and is an alternative to thecurrent brochure collection.
Bouygues Energies & Services
Movilizer GmbH
Was ist die Bouygues Energies & ServicesApp und wer kann sie nutzen?Mit der BYes App unterstützen wir die Kommunikation mit unserenMarktpartnern. Sie steht allen unseren Kunden, Mietern und auchDritten zur Verfügung.Was kann ich damit tun?Mit der BYes App haben Sie eine weitere Möglichkeit, mit unsschnell und einfach in Kontakt zu treten, um Ihre Anliegen, IhreStörungen oder Fragen zu platzieren. Die BYes App ist aufgeteilt inverschiedene Bereiche. Der Zugang zu einzelnen Teilbereichen kannje nach Gebiet offen oder durch die Eingabe von Zugangsdaten (wieE-Mail Adresse oder Vertragsangaben) beschränkt sein.Wer ist Bouygues Energies & Services?Bouygues Energies & Services ist ein global aktives und in derSchweiz führendes Unternehmen für Dienstleistungen rund umGeschäftsimmobilien und deren Lebenszyklus.Wir sind insbesondere für Kunden mit hohen Qualitätsansprüchenlandesweit an 30 Standorten tätig und beschäftigen 12’000Mitarbeitende, davon über 800 in der Schweiz.Bei Bouygues Energies & Services profitieren Sie vom Wissenhoch qualifizierter Fachpersonen. Klare Strukturen vermitteln Ihnenals Kunde Transparenz zum Angebot und Flexibilität bei der Wahl derDienstleistungen. Indem wir nahezu alle Leistungen rund um dieImmobilie mit eigenen Spezialisten abwickeln, gewährleisten wirIhnen als Kunde beste Qualität, aktivieren Optimierungspotenzialeund nutzen Synergien.What is the BouyguesEnergies & Services app and who can use them?With the byes app we support the communication with our partners inthe market. It is available to all our customers, tenants and thirdparties.What can I do with it?With the byes app you have another way to contact us quickly andeasily in touch to place your concerns, your problems or questions.Byes The app is divided into different areas. Access to individualareas may be limited depending on the area or open through theentry of credentials (such as email address or contractualinformation).Who is Bouygues Energies & Services?Bouygues Energies & Services is a leading and globally activecompany in Switzerland for services related to real estate businessand their life cycle.We are especially for customers with high quality standardsnationwide in 30 locations and employs 12,000 people worked,including over 800 in Switzerland. Bouygues Energies & Services, you benefit from the knowledge ofhighly skilled people. Clear structures give you, the customer, tooffer transparency and flexibility in the choice of services. As wehandle almost all services around the property with its ownspecialists, we provide you, the customer, best quality, and enableoptimization potential synergies.
Cofely Genesis Mobile
Movilizer GmbH
Genesis dans votre poche !Genesis Mobile vous permet dorénavant de retrouver vos applicationsCofely sur vos tablettes et Smartphones.Vous pourrez ainsi gérer facilement vos plannings de travail,consulter les informations sur vos installations, envoyer voscomptes-rendus d’intervention, établir des devis, etc…Gagnez ainsi du temps et de la productivité !A noter : pour recevoir les applications auxquelles vous êteshabilités, veuillez contacter votre correspondantinformatique.Genesis in yourpocket! Genesis Mobile now enables you to find your Cofely applications onyour tablets and smartphones.You can easily manage your work schedule, view information aboutyour equipment, send your reports of intervention, establishspecifications, etc. ...And save time and productivity! Note: To receive the applications for which you are eligible,please contact your IT correspondent.
Movilizer Exam
Movilizer GmbH
Mobility is changing fast. Companies aretapping into the benefits of mobility to implement new businessmodels, shorten order-to-cash cycles, improve customer services,optimize efficiency and productivity of personnel.But they need a balance between enterprise readiness, stability,scalability and sustainability on the one hand and the agility toquickly respond to ever changing business and mobile devicecapabilities on the other.The Movilizer is the Enterprise Mobility Platform for enterpriseapplications. With the Movilizer cloud-based service solution, youmobilize any business process without infrastructure, within acommon architecture. Apps built with the Movilizer run from thesingle source code you develop on 8 different platforms, natively,as HTML5 or hybrid applications and with full offline/onlinecapabilities out of the box.Movilizer has an agile certified integration with enterprisebackend systems like SAP,, Microsoft, Oracle and canintegrate also with any bespoke or best of breed enterprise backendsystem.With Movilizer you can either build your own apps and connectorsfrom scratch or reuse the dozens of apps and connectors availableout of the box. Especially our rich suite of standard applicationsfor SAP are game-changing.
Movilizer GmbH
MPmobile is a cloud-based service that allowsto report maintenance requests from mobile devices (Apple iOS,Android, Windows Mobile / Phone 7, BlackBerry, Symbian and more).MPmobile is an additional application of the MP maintenancesoftware (CMMS) by MPsoftware.To use MPmobile you must have MP Enterprise version 9 orhigher.To learn more about the MP software, visit us on our website.
Cofely ISIS Mobile
Movilizer GmbH
ISIS in tasca !ISIS Mobile facilita da ora in poi la gestione dei vostriinterventi sugli impianti Cofely.Potrete anche direttamente sul vostro tablet o Smartphone,localizzare i vostri impianti, inserire i rilievi, ricevere econsultare i vostri Ordini di lavoro,inviare i vostri resoconti sugl'interventi ...Guadagnate tempo e produttività!Nota : per ricevere le applicazioni alle quali siete abilitati,contattate il vostro corrispondente informaticoISIS in yourpocket!ISIS Mobile makes it easy from now on managing your work on systemsCofely.You can also directly on your tablet or smartphone, locate yourplants, insert pads, receive and see your work orders,send your reports sugl'interventi ...Save time and productivity!Note: To receive the applications for which you are qualified,please contact your corresponding computer
career@Movilitas 1.0
Movilizer GmbH
What is Movilitas?Movilitas is the company which has invented the Movilizer. Withthis App we want to introduce our company what we are doing andwhat we are looking for.What is the Movilizer?The Movilizer is a cloud service created to enable enterprisemobility. It is independent of the backend system in use andenables you to use free existing mobile scenarios; to create mobilescenarios of your own or to use our already available industrysolutions for SAP, or MS Excel.What can I do with the Movilizer?You can use any of our free scenarios to capture a myriad of dataincluding travel expenses, time records, create a dynamic survey…But you can also use it to run a mobile maintenance process basedon SAP or even to implement the process of vending machinereplenishment within the consumer goods industry. Nearly all mobilebusiness processes within your company can be supported.In which business can I use the Movilizer?You can use it in nearly all business areas and for most of thebusiness processes. It is the ideal solution for both large andsmall size enterprises. The Movilizer can be connected easily todifferent backend systems.How can I use the free Movilizer scenarios?1. Download the Movilizer App. from the Android Market.2. Start the App and synchronize once.3. enjoy.This version runs in Android OS 2.1 or higher
Qube Horizon
Movilizer GmbH
The Qube Horizon companion app adds mobilefunctionality to the Horizon real estate and facility managementsoftware solution. This app is available to customers who areconnecting to Horizon release 10.2 or above and have opted to bemobile enabled.
Qube Horizon EV
Movilizer GmbH
The Qube Horizon companion app adds mobilefunctionality to the Horizon real estate and facility managementsoftware solution. This app is available to customers who areconnecting to Horizon release 10.2 or above and have opted to bemobile enabled.
movilitas T&T
Movilizer GmbH
On November the 12th & 13th we will hostthe 5th European movilitas Track & Trace Conference inFrankfurt/ Main.Once again an excellent opportunity to meet, listen and discussevery aspect of Serialization/ Track & Trace processes.With this app we would like to provide you an overview about theconference; about the speakers, agenda and many more.movilitas Consulting delivers premier SAP Supply Chain, Track& Trace and Mobility Solutions to customers on an internationalbasis. movilitas' solutions help our customers take theirbusinesses to new heights by enhancing control of their extendedsupply chains, ensuring their compliance with global regulations,and optimizing their field-based business processes.We help our clients quickly adapt and adopt advanced IT solutionsto these enterprise challenges.Welcome to this year‘s Track & Trace conference hosted bymovilitas.Product recalls or delays in product launches because of qualityconcerns can cause significant disruption within the supply chain.Sometimes,supplier product quality or a supplier’s use of anunapproved ingredient is the reason behind such disruptions.However, in the end, it is the brand owner and not a remotesupplier that is held responsible for the quality and reliabilityof the product. It is thus essential to keep your supply chain frombeing compromised or interrupted and to ensure its integrity.Supply chain integrity protects the brand, minimizes costs due toloss or damage,and enables you to provide a quality product to the end consumer atthe right place and time. Based on a significant and continuousinvestment in this area, the SAP offering provides a wealth ofcapabilities that helps you ensure supply chain integrity:supporting batch and serialized item product/part traceability andquality issue management, supplemented by goods and assetsin-transit visibility as well as traceability for processmonitoring. Compliance with directives, avoidance of costlyfire-fighting and improved operational efficiency contribute toimproving your customer service and ultimately protect your brand.Enjoy listening to the latest supply chain integrity news from SAP,sharinginsights of your implementation projects and networking with yourpeers.
Movilizer GmbH
MOSAIK med ist die Plattform für die sichereund individuelle Kommunikation von Informationen und Daten zwischenArzt (oder anderen medizinischen Akteuren) und Patient. DieVoraussetzung für die Nutzung der MOSAIK med App durch Patientenist, dass der behandelnde Arzt oder andere medizinische AkteurMOSAIK med in seiner Praxis verwendet. Sprechen Sie Ihren Arztdarauf an!Als Patient verfügen Sie jederzeit über die aktuellenInformationen, wie Urlaub, Vertretung, Kontaktdaten etc. Ihr Arztwird, wenn er MOSAIK med nutzt, gemeinsam mit Ihnen entscheiden,welche weiteren Informationen Ihnen immer zur Hand sein solltenoder auch, welche Daten er für eine noch bessere medizinischeBetreuung und Überwachung von Ihnen benötigt. Sofern es für Ihreoptimale Betreuung wichtig ist, dass Sie Daten zu IhremGesundheitszustand oder Befinden übermitteln, wird der Arzt Ihneneine entsprechende Eingabevorlage in Ihrer App zur Verfügungstellen.Fragen Sie bitte bei Ihrem Arzt nach, ob er MOSAIK med nutzt.MOSAIC med is theplatform for the secure and customized communication of informationand data between the physician (or other medical actors) andpatient. The prerequisite for the use of MOSAIC med app by patientsthat the attending physician or other medical MOSAIC med actor usedin his practice. Talk to your doctor!As a patient, you always have the latest information, such asholidays, representation, etc. Contact your doctor if he usesMOSAIC med, help you decide what further information you shouldalways be on hand or what data it for a better medical care andsupervision needed from you. If it is important for your optimalcare that you submit information about your health or condition,the doctor will provide you with an appropriate input template inyour app available.Please ask your doctor if he uses MOSAIC med.
YouDo - Shop Voting
Movilizer GmbH
Customer is king!With the YouDo App you can rate shops, restaurants and storesbyusing your Android phone. In a short questionnaire you canexpressyour satisfaction or dissatisfaction, so the stores have acustomerfeedback. Using this feedback, the store can respondaccordinglyand provide you with a better service.To participate, download the YouDo App and enter the accesscodewhich you received at the store. Registration is notnecessary.What we guarantee you:As market researchers we do not advertise and sellanything.Compliance of the strict German privacy regulations isessentialfor us. The YouDo App is a research instrument of thetele-ResearchGmbH which has been located in Mannheim since1986.
Movilizer GmbH
Vermeiden statt Leiden! AktivgegenDarmkrebs.Die App der Stiftung LebensBlicke beantwortet alle Fragen rundumdas Thema Darmkrebs, Früherkennung und Prävention. Mit HilfeeinesSelbsttests können Sie Ihr individuelles Risiko an Darmkrebszuerkranken, ermitteln. Bei Bedarf können Sie Ärzte und KlinikeninIhrer Nähe suchen, die sich auf die Vorsorgeuntersuchungbzw.Behandlung von Darmkrebs spezialisiert haben. Außerdem werdendieaktuellen Veranstaltungen der StiftungLebensBlickevorgestellt.Avoid ratherthansuffering! Active against cancer.The app of the foundation Lebensblicke answered all questionsaroundthe topic of cancer, early detection and prevention. Usingaself-test, you can become ill your individual risk ofcancer,identify. If needed, you can search for doctors and clinicsin yourarea who specializes in screening or treatment ofcolorectalcancer. In addition, the current events of LebensblickeFoundationwill be presented.
MOSAIK sozial
Movilizer GmbH
MOSAIK sozial ist die Plattform fürmobileUnternehmensanwendungen in der Sozialen Arbeit und basiertauf demMovilizer Cloud Service. MOSAIK sozial ist unabhängigvonBranchensoftware, kann aber mit Branchensoftware kombiniertwerden.MOSAIK sozial wird von sozialen Organisationen,Sozialverwaltungenund Unternehmen eingesetzt, um mobileDienstleistungsprozesse zusteuern und Prozessinformationen zusammeln.MOSAIK sozial kann gleichzeitig und flexibel verschiedensteInhalteverwalten: Fahrtenbuch, Dokumentation direkterBetreuungsleistungenund weiterer Tätigkeiten sowie mobile Umfragenund vieles mehr.MOSAIK sozial kann von Mitarbeitern der sozialenOrganisationgenutzt werden aber auch von den Menschen, diesozialeDienstleistungen erhalten, z. B. im Rahmen einer mobilenUmfragezur Leistungsqualität, die von der sozialenOrganisationdurchgeführt wird.MOSAIC is thesocialplatform for mobile business applications in social work andisbased on the Movilizer cloud service. MOSAIC is sociallyregardlessof industry software, but can be combined with industrysoftware.MOSAIC socio used by social organizations, socialenterprises andgovernments to control mobile service processes andto collectprocess information.MOSAIC socially flexible and can simultaneously managedifferentcontents: logbook, documenting direct care services andotheractivities, and mobile surveys and much more. MOSAIC sociallycanbe used by employees of social organization but also of thepeoplewho receive social services, such as in a mobile survey onqualityof service, which is carried out by the socialorganization.
GrDF Mobile
Movilizer GmbH
Vos applications GrDF dans votre poche!GrDF Mobile vous permet dorénavant de retrouver vosapplicationssur vos tablettes et Smartphones.Vous pourrez ainsi gagner du temps et de la productivitéenréalisant certaines tâches au moment le plus opportun sansattendred’avoiraccès à votre poste de travail !A noter: pour recevoir les applications auxquelles vousêteshabilités, veuillez contacter votre correspondantinformatiqueGrDF your applicationsinyour pocket!GrDF Mobile now allows you to recover your applications onyourtablets and smartphones.You can save time and productivity by performing certain tasksatthe most appropriate time without waiting forAccess to your desktop!Note: To receive the applications for which you areeligible,contact your IT correspondent
MOSAIK sozial Demo
Movilizer GmbH
MOSAIK sozial is a mobile platform forbusinessapplications for social work and is based on the MovilizerCloudservice.MOSAIK sozial is independent of industry software, but couldbecombined with industry software.MOSAIK sozial is used by social organizations,socialadministrations and different companies operating in thesocialarea to control mobile service processes and to collectprocessinformation.MOSAIK sozial can deal with different contents simultaneouslyandflexible:driver's logbook, documentations of direct assistance servicesandadditional operations as well as mobile surveys and muchmore.MOSAIK sozial can be used of social organizations but alsobypeople who receive social services e.g. on surveys ofperformancequality.
John Deere Salesman India
Movilizer GmbH
The John Deere Salesman App offersauthorizedusers sales support information. After initialregistration, theapplication offers access to the latest John Deeresales literatureand product and service videos. The John DeereSalesman App bundlesall information in one place and is analternative to the currentbrochure collection.
Movilizer 2.0
Movilizer GmbH
What is the Movilizer?The Movilizer is a cloud service created to enableenterprisemobility. It is independent of the backend system in useandenables you to use free existing mobile scenarios; to createmobilescenarios of your own or to use our already availableindustrysolutions for SAP, or MS Excel.What can I do with the Movilizer?You can use any of our free scenarios to capture a myriad ofdataincluding travel expenses, time records, create a dynamicsurvey…But you can also use it to run a mobile maintenance processbasedon SAP or even to implement the process of vendingmachinereplenishment within the consumer goods industry. Nearly allmobilebusiness processes within your company can be supported.In which business can I use the Movilizer?You can use it in nearly all business areas and for most ofthebusiness processes. It is the ideal solution for both largeandsmall size enterprises. The Movilizer can be connected easilytodifferent backend systems.How can I use the free Movilizer scenarios?1. Download the Movilizer App. from the Android Market.2. Visit and select the scenario youwishto use.3. Enter your registration data in the form.4. Introduce the activation code you will receive by SMS inyourMovilizer Android application.5. Now you can use the mobile solution and analyze the resultsinthe Movilizer Portal with the login provided by email.This version runs on Android OS 2.1 or higher
Movilizer GmbH
Téléchargez la nouvelle applicationBouyguesEnergies & Services FM France.Cette nouvelle version de l’application vous permet de suivrevotremaintenance FMAO depuis vos tablettes ou Smartphones.L’outil indispensable pour gérer vos planning, consulter vosticketsde maintenance, rédiger vos comptes-rendusd’intervention,etc…Gagnez en réactivité et en productivité !Download the newPower& Services Bouygues France FM application.This new version of the application allows you to followyourservice MFWA from your tablet or smartphone.The essential tool to manage your schedule, check yourticketsmaintenance, write your reports intervention, etc ...Earn responsiveness and productivity!
Bouygues E&S FM Schweiz Tech
Movilizer GmbH
Die Bouygues E&S FM Schweiz TechAppermöglicht Ihnen, Ihre ungeplanten sowie wiederkehrendenAufträgeaus Ihrem CAFM-System abzurufen sowie abzuwickeln, umdadurch IhreProduktivität zu steigern.Funktionen· Aufträge nachverfolgen· Aufträge bearbeiten· Anmerkungen hinzufügen· Wartungschecklisten überprüfen· Zählerablesungen eingeben· Fotos hinzufügen· Leistungsstunden und Interventionsdauer eingeben· Auftrag signierenThe Bouygues E & SFMSwitzerland Tech app allows you to retrieve your unplannedandrecurring orders from your CAFM system and unwind totherebyincrease productivity.    functions    Track · Orders    · Process orders    · Add comments    · Maintenance checklists check    · Enter meter readings    · Add photos    · Power Hour and interventiondurationenter    · Contract signing
Movilizer Days
Movilizer GmbH
Two days to connect with peers and discoverhowthey implemented their mobile strategies in the field.Learn how powerful IoT solutions drive better fieldoperations,interconnect all stakeholders and enhancecustomerexperience.
Ideo Events
Movilizer GmbH
This Ideo Events app gives you a fulloverviewof events which are organized by Ideo. The app gives youthe eventcalendar, event details, interactive content and muchmore.Ideo facilitates organizations in achieving tangible resultsbymobilizing its expertise and experience in the area of serviceandmaintenance processes in SAP. Ideo implements and optimizestheseprocesses, thereby constantly using the latesttechnologies.Ideo is specialized in SAP Mobility with over 15 yearsofexperience in providing mobile solutions for itscustomersworldwide. Ideo provides integrated SAP mobile solutionsto addressyour industry specific needs as well as meet your uniquebusinessrequirements.
MOSAIK Sandbox
Movilizer GmbH
Die MOSAIK Applikation ist BestandteilderMOSAIK Software für Unternehmen und Organisationen der Sozial-undGesundheitswirtschaft.MOSAIK Software kombiniert flexible mobile Anwendungen(fürbeliebige stationäre und mobile Geräte) mit Portal-undDatenbanklösungen. Durch konsequente Orientierung amArbeitsablaufreduziert MOSAIK Software den Aufwand zur ErfüllungderDokumentations-und Verwaltungserfordernisse im sozialenodermedizinischen Bereich auf das Mindestmaß. Die MitarbeitergewinnenZeit für ihre primären Tätigkeiten.Mit Hilfe der mobilen Applikation MOSAIK ist esFachkräftenmöglich, bei der Durchführung ihrer Tätigkeiten Daten indernotwendigen Qualität und Quantität, zum erforderlichenZeitpunktsowie in der Handhabung mobil, einfach und schnellinvorstrukturierten Dialogen festzuhalten. Die Übertragungdereingegebenen Daten an die Datenbank erfolgt in Echtzeit, sodassalle am Prozess Beteiligten durch die sofortigeübersichtlicheBereitstellung von Daten und Auswertungen imzugehörigen MOSAIKPortal profitieren.MOSAIK ermöglicht zu jeder Zeit und an jedem OrtDateneingabenund -abrufe aus MOSAIK Datenbanken. Die Datenerfassungist auch„offline“, d. h. ohne mobile Datenverbindung möglich.Die MOSAIK App erzeugt alle Daten, die fürAbrechnung,Leistungsnachweisführung, Leistungs- undMitarbeitersteuerung, QMusw. nötig sind, schnell und in einemSchritt. Auf diese Weise wirdder Dokumentationsaufwand derFachkraft auf ein Minimum reduziert,sie hat ihreDokumentationspflicht erledigt und die Daten stehensofort zurweiteren Verwendung bereit.Fordern Sie auf unserer Webseite Zugangsdaten an, umdieFunktionen von MOSAIK Software kennenzulernen.The application is partofthe MOSAIC MOSAIC software for businesses and organizationsofsocial and health economy.MOSAIC software combines flexible mobile applications (foranystationary or mobile devices) with portal and databasesolutions.Through consistent focus on workflow MOSAIC Softwarereduces theeffort to fulfill the documentation and administrativerequirementsin the social or medical field to a minimum. Theemployees gaintime for their primary activities.Using the mobile application MOSAIC is professionalspossiblemobile in carrying out their activities data in therequiredquality and quantity at the required time and in thehandling,quick and easy to hold in pre-structured dialogues. Thetransfer ofthe data entered to the database in real time, so thateveryonebenefits involved in the process through the immediateclearprovision of data and evaluations in associated MOSAICportal.MOSAIC enables anytime, anywhere data inputs and retrievalsofmosaic databases. The data acquisition is also "off-line", thatispossible without mobile data connection.The MOSAIC app generates all the data, etc. are needed forbilling,performance verification, performance and employeemanagement, QM,quickly and in one step. In this way, thedocumentation work of theexpert is reduced to a minimum, it hascompleted its documentationrequirements and the data is immediatelyavailable for furtheruse.Ask for our website login information in order to knowthefunctions of MOSAIC Software.
Honeywell Service Test
Movilizer GmbH
Honeywell Service allows fieldtechnicians,supervisors, service leaders and customers to track,supervise andcontrol all work performed on the field.
Movilizer 2.6.27
Movilizer GmbH
Movilizer is the Cloud for Field Operations to driveEnterpriseprofitability at large manufacturing and servicescompanies. TheMovilizer Cloud acts as a Mobile EnterpriseApplication Platform(MEAP) and interconnects field employees andmission-criticalprocesses across company boundaries. You can eitherbuild your ownapps and connectors from scratch or use our manyout-of-the-boxsolutions. The apps are built from a single sourcecode you developand run on different platforms as native, HTML5 orhybridapplications and with full offline/online capabilities.Movilizeris independent of the back-end system in use and enablesyou to usefree existing mobile scenarios. Create mobile scenariosof your ownor integrate agile certified enterprise back-end systemslike SAP,, Microsoft or Oracle. Features: - Built appandconnectors from scratch or re-use out-of-the-box - Deploy andrunanywhere - Full offline/online synchronization - EffectiveUserExperience - Mash-up of source systems - Exceed industrystandards- HTML5 integration - Track & Trace
Honeywell ACT 2.6.26
Movilizer GmbH
Honeywell ACT (the “Connected Solution”) is a cloud basedsoftwareas a service and a mobile application that allows tobaccoproductsdistributors, retailers, and other economic operators inEurope tocapture and process the relevant track and traceinformationspecified in the EU Tobacco Directive (TPD) andrelatedImplementing Acts by providing the following functionality:·Mobile application for data capture. · Cloud based governanceofmessages, devices, masterdata and configuration. · Cloudbasedautomatic reporting of captured transactions to the EuropeanUnionRepositories System · Web portal component to graphicallymanagemessages (check status, recall messages) and to generatethetransactional messages (Invoices, oders and payments). · Storetheaudit data of the messages pushed to the EuropeanUnionRepositories System for 30 days Needs a Honeywell Movilizeraccountto work, for requesting one please visit
UVE Street 2.6.27
Movilizer GmbH
UVE Street Achieve the Perfect Execution at the Point of Saleandboost your sales force performance with UVE Street - SFA &SFESolution for the FMCG sector: An APP designed to automatetheactions of the commercial team UVE Street is the bestadvancedsolution to digitize the commercial tasks of your salesforceduring mobility situations. Encourage a perfect execution atthePOS, through modules and functionalities adjusted to eachsalesteam’s profile: Presale, Sales Rep, Audit. And a powerfulBackOffice to steer your sales force With UVE Street you will beableto control and pilot the commercial activity of your salesforce,helping them to achieve the perfect execution at the point ofsale.Integrable with all Analytical CRM functionalities All thepower ofData Intelligence in an integrated platform, withAnalytical CRMfunctionalities, to drive your commercial strategiesand boostsales. To achieve the Perfect Execution at the Point ofSale Themodules and functionalities of UVE Street have beendesigned toachieve the perfect execution at the point of sale: -TerritoryManagement - Alerts & KPIs - Commercial Activity -Orders -Action Plans - Perfect Store - - - It is always a pleasureto hearfrom you! If you have any comments or questions, pleaseemail us atthe following address: - - -
Movilizer Pro 2.6.27
Movilizer GmbH
Movilizer is the Cloud for Field Operations to driveEnterpriseprofitability at large manufacturing and servicescompanies. TheMovilizer Cloud acts as a Mobile EnterpriseApplication Platform(MEAP) and interconnects field employees andmission-criticalprocesses across company boundaries. You can eitherbuild your ownapps and connectors from scratch or use our manyout-of-the-boxsolutions. The apps are built from a single sourcecode you developand run on different platforms as native, HTML5 orhybridapplications and with full offline/online capabilities.Movilizeris independent of the back-end system in use and enablesyou to usefree existing mobile scenarios. Create mobile scenariosof your ownor integrate agile certified enterprise back-end systemslike SAP,, Microsoft or Oracle. Features: - Built appandconnectors from scratch or re-use out-of-the-box - Deploy andrunanywhere - Full offline/online synchronization - EffectiveUserExperience - Mash-up of source systems - Exceed industrystandards- HTML5 integration - Track & Trace
Honeywell ACT Demo
Movilizer GmbH
Honeywell ACT allows your workers to capture the productmovementsfor TPD
MUVE Gallery 2.5.29
Movilizer GmbH
That app for Organizations want to take STI product catalog tothefield.